
Teen Hospitalized After Chairlift Fall at Mammoth Mountain Ski Area

Owen Mitchell

By Owen Mitchell

Published February 1, 2024

A 16-year-old girl in California found herself in a terrifying situation when she fell from a chairlift at Mammoth Mountain Ski Area. The incident, which occurred while the girl was riding the Stump Alley Express lift with three other individuals, was captured on camera. Despite the efforts of the ski patrol to catch her using a net, the girl ultimately fell to the ground, missing the net completely.

Witness Accounts and Resort Response

Witnesses at the scene expressed shock and horror as they watched the girl plummet to the ground, accompanied by a bone-chilling crashing sound. The video's caption suggested that the ski patrol was not adequately equipped to handle the situation, and the resort's response indicated that the girl had started to slide off her chair as she ascended the slope. The resort spokesperson also confirmed that the teen was not completely seated and that she was quickly transported to Mammoth Hospital for evaluation.

Safety and Statistics

The incident at Mammoth Mountain Ski Area raises concerns about ski lift safety. According to the National Ski Areas Association (NSAA), the majority of ski lift falls can be attributed to passenger behavior and error. Furthermore, the association's study revealed that there have been relatively few fatalities related to ski lifts, with the vast majority of incidents being due to mechanical malfunctions, human error, or an indeterminate cause.

Industry Safety Measures

Despite the alarming nature of the incident, statistical data from the NSAA indicates that ski lifts have provided billions of rides to guests with a remarkably low rate of fatalities. The organization reported that from 1973 to 2020, there was only one fatality per 100 million miles traveled on lifts. This underscores the industry's commitment to ensuring the safety of its guests, despite occasional incidents such as the recent chairlift fall at Mammoth Mountain.

Recent Ski Resort Incidents

The chairlift incident at Mammoth Mountain Ski Area comes on the heels of another ski resort mishap, where a snowboarder spent 15 hours trapped overnight in a ski gondola at a Lake Tahoe resort. These incidents serve as sobering reminders of the unexpected dangers that can arise in recreational settings, emphasizing the importance of ongoing vigilance and safety protocols within the ski industry.